About Me

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I am a student of the Universe and a disciple SGI President Daisaku Ikeda. I believe in maximizing every precious moment here. I love music, singing, dancing, reading, writing, and dialogues with motivated people. I believe in the Unlimited Power and Wonder of the Human Body to Maintain and Heal itself, without unnecessarily risky surgeries, tests, biopsies, pharmaceutical drugs and long hospital stays. My Motto: PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE.

Friday, January 6, 2012


     When my mother died, it started me thinking about what she went through the final three years of her life. It wasn't what I would call her 'crowning glory.'  Living with dignity should include dying with dignity as well, don't you think?  But this did not happen. I was really shocked at what I saw in the "noble" medical profession.
     This is just a taste of what happened. 
     First, the doctors claimed she needed a quadruple bypass, at 84 years of age. However, they took the veins for the heart from the wrong leg.  

     Second, less than two years later when she had an angioplasty, the medical team noticed that three of the newly bypassed veins and arteries near her heart were blocked again. So the bypass was unnecessary. However, she could never walk well after her surgery because of the leg. They took the veins and the lymphatic system out of her already damaged leg; causing the leg to retain an enormous amount of fluid, which they could never eliminate.        
     Then they gave her the wrong medication, because they failed to look at her chart. She had to go two times, in an abulance, from one hospital to another and back, to have a blood transfusion..... totally caused by a failure to look at her chart.
     Fourth, when she starting to regain her health, I took some excellent nutritional supplements and the research to back them up to her cardiologist. He just said, "She doesnt need that."  Those nutritional supplements could have extended her life and vastly improved the quality of her life as well.
     In any case, I can't repect a closed minded doctor.
     Sincerely, Philip Jay Gould

Top 30 Internet Marketing Gurus for past 5 Years..... Who Did I Miss?

Mike Dillard or Jay Abraham: Top 26 Internet Marketing Gurus?
See my list of the top 26.....From: Jan 2007 - Jan 2012.........Who did I miss?
Check it out and pass it on, let me know.   Who do you want to add, who do you want to delete, and why.
No specific order.
Sincerely, Philip Jay Gould

1. Mike Dillard
2. Brian Tracy
3. Jay Abraham
4. John Carlton
5. Dan Kennedy
6. Tim Sales
7. Rich Schefren
8. Tony Robbins
9. T. Harv Ecker
10. Seth Godin
11. Stephen R. Covey
12. Jack Canfield,
13. Zig Zigler,
14. Alex mandossian
15. Bob Procter
16. Mike Filsaime
17. Brad Fallon
18. Gary Vaynerchuk
19. Gary Halbert
20. Mark Victor Hansen
21. John Vitale
22. Stephen Pierce
23. Yaro Starak
24. Willie Crawford,
25. Lynn Terry
26. Ray Higdon

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What Does the CDC Say

The CDC, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, says that vitamins and minerals are nutrients that your body needs to grow and develop normally. It also states that  vitamins and minerals have a unique role in maintaining your health. 
It was also recently discovered that about half of all Americans take nutritional supplements.
Though some believe that a person can, and I emphasize "CAN" get all the necessary vitamins and minerals from the foods they eat, most people do not, I emphasize "NOT" actually eat a completely healthy and balanced diet every day.
Therefore, as Harvard University, and the JAMA, Journal of the American Medical Association have recently stated, taking nutritional supplements is prudent, wise, and can act as additional insurance for preventing disease.
 So the next question should be.... Which Supplements should I take, and how can I get them, and how much is it going to cost me?
The CDC mentions the following essential vitamins and minerals we need: Calcium, Chromium, Folate, Iron,  Magnesium, Selenium, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, and Zinc. Thinks like potassium, sodium, and Vitamin C are also important. But this is not a complete list, there are others.
 In Our next blog we will discuss all the "Other" vitamins, and minerals that are essential.

PERSISTENCE IS KEY in Dieting, From Loyola University

Health Day

Persistence Is Key to Losing Weight and Keeping It Off

SUNDAY, Jan. 1 (HealthDay News) -- Losing weight is one of the most common New Year's resolutions, but changing long-held behaviors is a skill in itself, a medical expert says.
To shed unwanted pounds and keep them off, people have to be ready to face some setbacks and keep on trying, said Dr. Jessica Bartfield, an internal medicine and medical weight-loss specialist at Gottlieb Memorial Hospital, part of the Loyola University Health System.
"People need a motivation to lose weight and the new year is an opportunity to start fresh," Bartfield said in a Loyola news release. "Behavior change is the cornerstone of healthy, successful weight loss and it takes about three months to establish a new behavior," she pointed out.
"When you learn to ride a bike, you expect that you will fall down a couple times and are prepared to try again and get back on; you need to have the same expectation with weight loss and to plan accordingly," she explained.
Only 20 percent of Americans who've tried to lose weight will keep the weight off after one year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Bartfield offered the following tips to help reverse this trend and help people achieve and maintain their weight-loss goals:
  • Don't skip breakfast. "Eating within one hour of awakening can boost your metabolism up to 20 percent for the rest of the day," Bartfield said. "Eating something is better than eating nothing, but ideally try to incorporate protein for longer-lasting fuel."
  • Have a weekly weight check. "Monitoring your weight on a weekly basis provides a fairly accurate weight trend and, more importantly, an early detection of any weight regain, which allows you to adjust behaviors accordingly," Bartfield said.
  • Exercise for one hour every day. "Snow shoveling, vacuuming, taking the stairs -- you don't have to run like a hamster on a wheel for 60 minutes. Take three 20-minute brisk walks, or compile the one hour based on a series of activities," she advised.
  • Limit TV to fewer than 10 hours each week. "Many argue they don't have time to exercise, but when I ask them to count the hours they spend watching TV or surfing the Net, they are able to find the time for activities where they are moving instead of sitting," Bartfield said.
  • Keep track of your physical activity. "Park your car farther away, take the stairs, manually change TV channels -- these are all simple ways to get more physical activity and you need to write them down as they are performed to keep yourself honest," Bartfield said. "Also wearing a pedometer can help accurately document and track your progress."
  • Keep track of calories. Do not underestimate how many calories you consume at each meal.
  • Set clear, realistic goals. Avoid setting vague goals. Objectives need to be specific and attainable. People can start by trying to lose 10 percent of their body weight, Bartfield recommended.
  • Be consistent. "Eat at regular intervals seven days per week," Bartfield advised. "Being 'good' on the weekdays and then splurging on the weekend creates a harmful cycle that discourages weight loss."
  • Plan for setbacks. "When you learn to drive, or learn a sport or musical instrument, you make mistakes and you have an experienced instructor -- maybe even several -- to help correct the mistakes and prevent repeats. Enlist a trusted friend, or enroll in a program to learn and master the rules of weight loss," Bartfield said.
When it comes to teenagers who need to lose weight, parents should get involved. "Treating child and adolescent obesity needs to be a family effort; families need to change behaviors," she said. "Research shows that families -- and even couples -- who change behavior together are the most successful."
More information
The U.S. National Library of Medicine provides more information on weight control.
SOURCE: Loyola University Health System, news release, Dec. 21, 2011

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

HARVARD AGREES, Vitamin A, as Beta Carotene is Beneficial

The Nutrition Source

Vitamin A

How Much Do I Need? Vitamin A
The Institute of Medicine's current recommended intake of vitamin A is 900 micrograms of retinol for men (equivalent to 3,000 IU) and 700 micrograms of retinol for women (equivalent to 2,333 IU). The upper limit for vitamin A intake from retinol is 3,000 micrograms, but intakes this high may increase the risk of hip fracture or interfere with the beneficial actions of vitamin D.
Food sources: Many breakfast cereals, juices, dairy products, and other foods are fortified with retinol (also known as preformed vitamin A). Many fruits and vegetables, and some supplements, also contain beta-carotene and other vitamin A precursors, which the body can turn into vitamin A. It's best to choose a multivitamin supplement that has all or the vast majority of its vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene.
Vitamin A does much more than help you see in the dark. It stimulates the production and activity of white blood cells, takes part in remodeling bone, helps maintain the health of endothelial cells (those lining the body's interior surfaces), and regulates cell growth and division. This latter role had researchers exploring for years the relationship between vitamin A and cancer. Specifically, researchers looked at whether people could reduce their cancer risk by taking supplements of beta-carotene, one of several precursor compounds that the body can transform into vitamin A, or by taking the active form of vitamin A (also called retinol or preformed vitamin A). Several studies and randomized trials have dashed this hypothesis.
Although it's possible to get too little vitamin A, it's easy to get too much preformed vitamin A (retinol) from supplements. Intake of up to 3,000 micrograms of preformed vitamin A, more than three times the current recommended daily level, is thought to be safe. However, there is some evidence that this much preformed vitamin A might increase the risk of hip fracture (1-3) or some birth defects. (4) Another reason to avoid too much preformed vitamin A is that it may interfere with the beneficial actions of vitamin D.
In contrast to preformed vitamin A, beta-carotene is not toxic even at high levels of intake. The body can form vitamin A from beta-carotene as needed, and there is no need to monitor intake levels, as there is with preformed vitamin A. Therefore, it is preferable to choose a multivitamin supplement that has all or the vast majority of its vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene; many multivitamin manufacturers have already reduced the amount of preformed vitamin A in their products.
 (But of course, everything in reason)
Reprinted from the Harvard School of Public Health

INFOGRAPHIC on Sleep.... Very Important

Infographic of the Day: So What If You Don't Sleep Enough?

Actually, you'll die earlier, be fatter, and be worse at your job.
How many times have you told yourself (especially when you're up at 2 a.m. on a Sunday night): "Eh, it's just sleep." Is it just sleep, though? What happens to your health when you're not sleeping enough?
This infographic designed by FFunction for Zeo, a company that makes an electronic "sleep coach," is less of a real data visualization than a set of illustrated facts. But the facts are pretty gobsmacking. For example, we, as a nation, seem pretty tired all the time: Only 7% of people get eight hours of sleep a night. But the effects of this might be calamitous: Getting less sleep is associated with a 200% rise in cancer, a 100% rise in heart disease, and a 20% rise in the likelihood you'll be dead in 20 years. Not only will you be less healthy, you'll be fatter. People who sleep an hour more each day lose 14.3 pounds per year. (?!!). And 1 in 3 women find themselves too sleepy for sex:
Scientists are inching closer to an explanation of how all this might be the case. (It really does seem that the lack of sleep itself is the problem, rather than lack of sleep being merely correlated with some other thing, such as alcohol consumption, which is causing all the problems.) Studies have shown that sleeping too little effectively puts the body on "high alert," creating increased stress hormones and chemicals associated with inflammation.
That said, what the infographic doesn't tell is that sleeping too much can be almost as a dangerous as not sleeping enough. If you sleep over nine hours a day, you're more likely to be fat, diabetic, depressed, and have heart disease. So get eight hours, but no more.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Nicholas Zhou on Health Eating

Eat a Healthy and Balanced Diet
Some people don't really understand how important eating healthy food is to us. Let's look at some statement:

1. Over a billion people worldwide are now overweight and 300 million are clinically obese. People who are overweight have a higher risk of developing serious health problems in later life, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke, type 2 diabetes, bowel cancer, and high blood pressure. Most people put on excess weight because their lifestyles include an unhealthy diet and a lack of physical activity.

2. According to Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, post-menopausal women may reduce their risk of developing cancer by 35% if they eat a healthy diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. This result was based on 29,564 post-menopausal women, aged 55-69 for a research period of 13 years.

3. People who ate three or more servings of fruit per day have 36% lower risk of developing the sight loss than people who ate less than one and a half servings per day. (According to Archives of Ophthalmology)

4. Eat low fat food regularly can reduce the chance of developing heart disease and certain cancers.

5. Calorie reduction can increase life expectancy by up to 30 percent

6.Vitamins can cut cancer death rates by 37%

7. Foods that contain the mineral selenium and plant-based chemical sulforaphane in combination may have a 13 times greater ability to protect against cancer than when the food compounds are used separately. ...

 this from Nicholas Zhou, I like it......
 by Nicholas Zhou. I am the author of the bestselling cookbook Real And Healthy Chinese Cooking (see book cover below). Most likely you came to this site because you love Chinese food and you want to learn how to cook real and healthy Chinese food at home. Or you think Chinese food is healthy and you want to eat healthier food.

REASON #7 Supplements Remind you to think Healthy

Reason # 7: Nutritional Supplements remind you to Eat right and exercise regularly.
      It is essential to eat properly and take supplements. If you do not or cannot eat properly it is even that much more important to take Nutritional Supplements.  The most important decision you make three times a day is what you put into your mouth. Three times a day you have to choose. Do you appreciate and respect your life and your body? Are you aware of what you are doing? Are you ignorant, blind or undisciplined?
      These are the questions you must ask yourself. Face the truth. Who, other than you, is responsible for the way you look and feel?  Who, if not you, is in charge of what you feed your cells? Now, these are the three meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner.
     Here is some suggestions for a low glycemic healthy Breakfast. - IN THIS ORDER-.. 1) eat, chew and swallow a piece of lemon, 2) drink one glass of water 3) eat a small bowl of raw or toasted oat bran with a banana or other fruit and flax seed meal, (you can use mineral water or non-fat milk; a little stevia won't hurt either...4) have a hard boiled egg or a raw egg, with a little rock salt. Drink water and take your high quality Nutritional Supplements. Make sure they are guaranteed potent.
     For Lunch try a vegetable salad, with tuna or salmon, lettuce, celery, carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, jicuma, radishes, green peppers, tomatoes, nuts and blueberries or cranberries.... with balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil, plus a little rock salt and pepper.
     For Diner do your best, vegtables, whole grains and lean meats, ok.. 
And for exercise: Walk or run every day 1 - 2 miles or more.