About Me

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I am a student of the Universe and a disciple SGI President Daisaku Ikeda. I believe in maximizing every precious moment here. I love music, singing, dancing, reading, writing, and dialogues with motivated people. I believe in the Unlimited Power and Wonder of the Human Body to Maintain and Heal itself, without unnecessarily risky surgeries, tests, biopsies, pharmaceutical drugs and long hospital stays. My Motto: PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cell - cell_picture_show-celldeath

Cell - cell_picture_show-celldeath

The Human Body

The Human body is made up of between 50 and 100 trillion cells. Each cell is a complex living organism within itself, containing: a nucleus, DNA and RNA, cytoplasm, cholesterol, proteins, ribosomes, mitochondria, a plasma membrane, etc.  Every year more that seven trillion cells die and are replaced by new offspring. To make sure the cells do their job and recreate themselves in a healthy manner, various vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and cellular nutrients are essential.  These cells come together to form tissues, then organs, and then systems.  These systems include, your circulatory system, reproductive system, digestive system, skeletal system, etc. The complexity of all these cells and systems working together to help one another is a wonder beyond all wonders. And it is YOU.  You have the massive responsibility for taking care of each and every one of these living cells. So please study, learn from others and take charge of this miracle you possess called the Living Human Body.

Take Control

This Blog is about taking responsibility and control for your own Health. That includes Physical health, material health, and spiritual health. First and foremost it means that I am proposing to you that you refuse to relinquish control to others. Especially, when it comes to physical health, such as what you eat, how much exercise you get, and what nutritional supplements you take; you are in the drivers' seat. You are the captain of your body. The hospitals, the doctors, or even you friends and family are not in control. YOU ARE! So don't just eat to please others, choose what you eat carefully. Educate yourself on what foods are good. Chew your food well. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Do not allow any doctor to become your "god." Do not blindly follow. Rather participate fully in preventing disease, and if necessary in curing disease. After all its your life, and its you body.